Sunday, September 21, 2008

Milk and it's "Jugs"

I have noticed over the last months (however many) a trend with dairy products...their containers are, well, not contained. My initial reaction is to subscribe to the conspiracy theories that big time companies have these devious and malicious intents, that they are cutting costs and therefore making thinner containers. I then quickly change the subject to prevent myself from becoming overpopulated with too many of these superstitions. My most recent dairy experience was found at our favorite frozen custard shanty. I ordered the "oh so sinful" Chocolate Voodoo Pothole, with far too many endearments to list. When I received mine I retorted, "that girl could have wiped the cup off,...stupid teenage girl." (yes I am guilty of calling out teenagers even at 22) sadly I then noticed that the cup was cracked. Do you remember that poster with the man he had on plumber pants and he was sitting on a cooler and at the bottom it said, "Say no to crack"? Well that was about the size of this one. Suddenly I was covered in the oh so delectable chocolaty goodness, I felt like a dog rolling around in one of his beloved finds. The hubby ran to get me a cup as it continued to pour out all over me and the car, the baby screaming because he knew he deserved some. Another one of the stupid teenagers completely ignored Ben's attempt to save the custard, so when he finally returned I looked like what has been referred to as a Circle K Kid. I have tossed around the idea of emailing the company and informing them of my experience and the need of some sort of adult supervision for these "stupid teenagers". I have decided to go with it, in hopes of receiving a voucher for a frozen custard treat of my choice. What can I say maybe I am doing exactly what I have accused the "big time" companies of doing!

Monday, September 15, 2008

A change in holding

My dearly beloved, let me re-phrase that my dearest husband has unknowingly given his blog up to myself. These past 9 months have flown by so quickly I hardly have any memory of it. Quite frankly I never thought that the adolescent slow motionless of life would ever cease to torment me. I have been warned more than my share that kids make your life flash before your eyes, and I will swear by it; I suspect I will be 70 tomorrow when I look back. I did read someplace by a professor that I should probably remember, "teens are so busy doing new things all the time that time itself moves more slowly in their perspective, adults are busy doing the same things every single day that time in their perspective speeds up." I liken it to the same old drive to work every day, you get so accustomed to seeing the same things in the same place that you don't consciously acknowledge them. And so, I come to my final point. Every day we see the ones we love and forget to verbally tell them we love them ass-uming they already know. We move by in life with all of our important and mandatory tasks at hand and push them to the side for later. Over the last few years and especially recently some jolting experiences have occurred in my life alerting me to the fact that life can't wait and, neither can the ones you love. So tell someone you love how you feel about them today.
Signing off. From, your loving bloggerhead